Clinical and administrative applications

Gridspace can support patient engagement in scalable, 24/7 accessible and cost-effective way by receiving inbound calls and actively phoning patients.

Gridspace enables the automation of routine administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling, patient reminders, insurance verification, patient routing, payer & provider forms, benefits administration, and pharmacy transactions. With voice bots handling these inquiries, you can save valuable time and focus more on critical patient care tasks.

Gridspace can also be leveraged in a hybrid setup to triage and direct patient inquiries to the appropriate resources, scanning live calls in real time for issues and opportunities, making insights available.

Benefits of Gridspace

  • Perform outreach to 100% of patients in need of engagement.
  • Improve patient care and the patient experience.
  • Free up clinical and administrative staff to focus on patient care.
  • Capture additional service line revenue.

Clinical evidence